linoleum dream, 2022, melissandre sitting on black linoleum wearing a sportswear black summery outfit looking at the camera. B.O.O.K library, tea set in the background. Next to melissandre is an aloe vera plant suspended with braided synthetic hair
photo credit: Marley Starskey Butler
linoleum dream, 2021, inoleum dream, 2021, Loraine Masiya Mponela laughing while resting during her B.O.O.K residency.
photo credit: Ayesha Jones

linoleum dream, 2022, Lisa and a child writing and drawing on the cream-coloured walls of linoleum dreams
photo credit: Ayesha Jones

linoleum dreams, 2022, housewarming party (late opening)
credit: Ayesha Jones
linoleum dreams (2021)
Commissioned by Coventry Biennial

an art, rest, and library (with publications by Black authors) station (converted caravan), with aloe vera, tea station, and black synthetic hair, home to B.O.O.K residencies and working group in 2022.